Tuesday 8 January 2013

Week 61

After Christmas staying at home can be a true joy.
With an excess  of food and a bit of imagination I made some avocado fillings to put in my "beef cups".

The jars in the back contain home-pickled vegetables. Most other foods like vegetables, herbs, dairy, nuts, noodles and beef are recognizable, I suppose.

This is an "evident" mix of ingredients.
Avocado, garlic, salt, home pickled spicy green beans (not so "evident" but pickled spicy peppers can be used too. In Holland they can be found in Turkish shops). Diced tomatoes on top.

Avocado, sour cream, mayonnaise, lemon juice, rings of spring onion, sea salt and fresh pepper. Sour cream on top.

This one is a bit interesting at first but it is really yummy.

Avocado, mixed with rum-raisins and dark chocolate (70+ coco content) with pistachio, sea salt.

 This one is spicy. And inspired by German and Asian food.

Avocado, mayonnaise, horseradish (daikon or rettich or mierikswortel) AND wasabi paste, coriander seeds and topped by fried onions.


I baked cups made of beef in a muffin tray. Some parts of beef I topped with garlic or onion.

I filled the cups with different kinds of "guacamole".

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